In-Depth Entry
Today the Europa Clipper successfully launched on its five-and-a-half year mission to Jupiter and its moon, Europa.
Scientists believe that a vast underground ocean exists under the ice of Europa. The Europa Clipper's mission is to go investigate.
I watched the launch, live, and took a lot of screenshots in the process. When I was a kid, I remember watching my dad sitting in a darkened room taking photos of our television set during one of the Apollo missions to the moon. It was a very solemn affair and I knew I needed to keep quiet so he could, figuratively and literally, focus on the task at hand. But in my case I merely had to click the Windows key and the "PtrScr" keys, simultaneously.
What follows is a gallery of some of those screenshots from the launch. Good luck, Europa Clipper! Safe travels, and here's to a successful mission! I'll check back with you in 2030.